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Dental Implants in Thornhill

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Our dentists at Dentistry on Green Lane in Thornhill offer dental implant services to fill in gaps in your smile. 

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant consists of a titanium post that is attached directly to the jawbone. Once the titanium post is placed, we allow the bone to fuse around the post before we move to the restoration phase. Once ready to restore, a custom-made core and tooth can be attached to that titanium base.

A thorough assessment is necessary before beginning the process. Your treatment coordinator will review your medical history and X-rays will be taken to ensure optimal placement of your dental implant.

Dental Implants, Thornhill Dentist

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental implant can restore form and function to your smile. Your dentist may recommend you as a candidate for a dental implant if you have proper bone structure and healthy gums. Dental implants can also assist patients who have worn dentures for many years. 

In instances where it has been identified that you do not have sufficient bone for your implant to fuse to your jaw, we can recommend a bone grafting procedure before placing your implant.

How long does the dental implant process take?

After the surgical placement of the implants, the healing process can take up to six months. The fitting and adjustment of replacement teeth typically take no more than two months. If bone grafting is necessary, further time may be required. Each patient has a different bone quality and each heals differently, so treatment times will vary.

CBCT Planning for Dental Implants

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is an imaging technique for planning and placing dental implants. It provides a three-dimensional view of the patient's mouth, including bone density and quality, nerve pathways and sinus cavities.

Because of this three-dimensional view, CBCT helps dentists determine the best position and angle for placing dental implants. This helps to minimize the risk of complications.

In addition, CBCT allows dentists to measure the available bone height and width. This ensures that the implant is properly anchored and stable while the bone regrows around it.

Bone Grafting

A bone graft is the transplantation of a small piece of bone to replace missing or damaged bone in the jaw. This can encourage bone growth and offer a firm foundation for dental implants or other restorative dental treatments.

If the jawbone has degenerated or lacks appropriate density, a bone graft can strengthen it and ensure successful implant placement.

Bone grafts can be taken from various sources, such as the patient's own body or, on rare occasions, a ‘bone bank.’ The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and requires a period of healing before the implant can be placed.

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